How did the iPhone 14 announcement effect Apple stock price?
The trade feed is currently down. We'll have it back up in no time.


Bad Trader Chicago

Join tastytrade vets Tom, Liz, and Jenny as they venture out live for the first time in over 2 years at Chicago's Vic Theatre. In an all-new show featuring newcomers Victor Jones, Julia Spina, and Jermal Chandler, the Bad Trader event will focus on short talks, storytelling, and lots of interactive games (hint: brush up on your Wordle skills). More dates and cities will be announced soon!


Virtual Meetup with tastytrade

Have a Zoom meeting with your favorite tastytrade co-hosts! Head to for more information and to schedule a discussion with Tom, Tony, Liz and Jenny, the Research Team, Dr. Jim, or the Market Mindset Crew! We'll be in touch with availability.

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